Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Dancing Fairy

It was in 1998 @10 Jan, a friend’s birthday party, one film, one song and one signature step that was easy and  fun. So that was the moment out of many that made me feel that I can dance. I used to copy all the steps I saw on the television and practiced them till the point of perfection. Every time a new film’s music (has to be my favorite) got release, I went out to the music store and bought the cassettes and danced on the tunes alone at home. So you can say, I was much into bollywood dancing.

On my first day of “Jazz” , my instructor on seeing my performance and the way I easily picked up the steps , made out that I have been into dancing though never had such professional training before. He asked me ,”What’s dance according to you ? ” that made me think what really it means to me. So decided to write on it.
If you just hold your breath for a second , close your eyes and think about that one thing without which your life is incomplete, you might think of a person, music, sports etc. but for me it’s dance.  Dance is an expression for me. Dance is the medium that connects me to myself and my soul. I feel like in heaven when I am dancing and after dance. I am like lost when I am on the floor. It gives me a sense of satisfaction and keeps me happy. Dancing is a rhythmic bodily movements on the beats  of the music. Infact I feel that music and dance are made for each other. They say in life you should be passionate and for me that passion comes from dance. When I do nothing , I am dancing. It’s a kinda rejuvenation that keeps me alive, literally.
Above all , I believe that dance teaches you a way of living life. It tells you to flow on the rhythms of life’s moments. It motivates you to take care of yourself , your fitness. It generates endorphins, happy hormones, in your body that keeps your spirit smiling all day. It speaks the language of love and helps connecting you to yourself and with others. Dance asks you to love yourself so that the expressions flow freely out of you. It’s an art appreciated all over the world. Anyone can dance.
So the next time , you hear any music , just forget about the world and get lost in  yourself . Feel the music, feel the movements.
Mantra – Perfection comes with sheer perseverance and practice. Then be it dance or any other activity.
(On a funny note – Because I am lost when I dance, people around me thinks that I am drunk when I am actually not.  :p)
Signing Off.

Friday, September 17, 2010

There as such no rules to live a life. Still, the real fun is in living each and every moment to the fullest, at least to your best. I know it sounds so cliche but this is what I am thinking at the moment and not only thinking, infact doing while writing this blog. Life has always been my favourite subject. Few days back in an interview, I heard some one saying that "I am extracting maximum juice of my life". Then few days later, when I tried the same line to a friend, he immediately pointed out that it can happen only if you squeeze it. Squeeze here can be referred to giving out your 200 percent.