Saturday, December 11, 2010


Lemme start by asking a simple question-

How many times does it happen that you whine about a particular trait in your friends and people around you and often ended up bitching about the person that this or that habit of him/her you cannot stand? Or this kind of person you do not like or that kind of people you like. It’s in the human nature to always strive for better than before. But why do we neglect the importance of what all we have now? How better would be the world if we love what we already possess in terms of humans and appreciate all good in them than criticize? For, it's sheer a wastage of moments that are given to us and are meant only to live and cherish it with love. Since last few days, I have been keenly observing, how the differences cause a jerk in a relationship be it with your friends or anyone, therefore misery of thoughts. I came to the point that tells only a solution that is “Acceptance”. If you say, you love someone, then love him or her as they are. Why do you even want them to change for you? Why do you want them to behave in accords of your likings or some people sees it in the views of status quota? Be proud of people you are blessed to be with, no matter than whether they stand upto your intellectualites or status or your so called image in the society( there are many, who more than being themselves, always try to be in the good books of the society and behave accordingly, then for good or bad, hence decepting self as well as people around). Make them feel the same, that you love them for what they are and proud of having them in your life.Why do you always seek approvals of being liked by others? This very desire drifts you away from yourself. The greatest bliss is in loving yourself as you are, and when one tries to break that supposedly universal truth, things start turning for wrongs and causes unhappiness to not only thyself but the world around you. Believe me! And then nothing seems to be going right! The society is born in order to help or many a times distract you from being what you are borne to be, and hence evolution of self, good or bad! The point is, why should you be the part of that society that prevents one from being in bliss of loving oneself. I have observed that it seems to have become a trend to criticize things and people, sometimes for no reason, just to be in the categories of intellectuals, hence making fools of self because there is no such categories. If I say I love my friends and people, I love them as they are. I never want them to change themselves for me but only improve and evolve with time. And even if that good change in them goes against me, I happily accept that fact. For I know, it’s just a matter of time. The simple funda should be like, why criticize when you can’t praise the good in them. Accept and love your people as they are and for what they are.

{ P.S - There is no such things as Good or Bad either. I have used these two words only to explain the differences that we often measure in balance scale of what is good or what's not.)

Lots of Love