Thursday, January 28, 2010

It's just not me!!

This is my second composition that I ever tried to make as I was incapable to bear the thoughts within myself. First time I did  when I was in 9th class. It was the after effect of a teacher's inspirational lecture that said "a poet is hidden within everyone". Well I tried to evoke the poet within me in vain and wrote  down a hilarious hindi poem on Rain.........Did I just make a Rhyme?? Well.......
 It’s Just Not Me

I don’t know who I am,
What should I be,
What I want,
How should I be with thee.

Life seems so strange,

Sometimes full of joy,
Sometimes a struggle,
Many aspects many range.

Happy today Sad Tomorrow,
Wake up every morning,
With different feelings,
Either lively or sorrow.

What I call it,
Glimpses of mood swing,
Sometimes left or
at right wings.

It’s the feeling
m living with, see
What I should know
It’s just not me!!!!!!

- Pranky

1 comment:

  1. life, as it is to thou,
    it is the same to all.
    time, as it is to thou,
    it is the same to all.
    Students, we are all,
    none special,
    neither us, nor you.
    plagiarism dont work,
    neither does research.
    an experience, cherishable, nourish it,
    lest you may, never know, retweet it!

    okay, the end din't make sense. but hey, thats the brat i am :D
    nice one though. :)
