Monday, March 22, 2010

Ridiculous Rule

Let me share an incident with you. It's indeed funny. Okay if not for you, but for me it was the fun moment of the day!! Because I got to know about a ridiculous rule today which has been formed just few days ago .

As soon as I entered the premises, I saw the person for whom I went to college. My project mentor. He was discussing IPL and a trip with my fellow batch mates. I also joined them. I was already late for my class . I looked at the time, " still 35 mins left for the class to get over ". I had 35 spare mins and I could finish the most important task of the day i.e to discuss the project, I am working on, with my mentor. .

I   asked him if we can discuss the project and he replied ," come with someone". I wondered why and what it had to do with my project discussion . I walked out of staff room in search of a person. I caught my friend Bishu and brought him to the staff room. Then he noted, " person accompanying you must be a gal". I asked, "why sir ? " of which he responded, "I can't sit with you unless you come with one more gal ". Because the class was still  on, and almost all of my gal friends were in the room. Then I saw and approached two gals , again my batch mates, comforting themselves on the staircase, gossiping. I asked them if they could do me a favor and accompany me. I narrated them what's the case. They laughed it off ,"Sir is just joking with you  and don't take it seriously". They denied my proposal in fear of being asked by him about the status of their project on which they have not even touched yet.

I again haplessly walked back to him and reported him that nobody was interested . I was keeping my cool in frustration and asking him to discuss. He denyingly answered, "I can't help it out, it's a newly formed rule". I was amazed, "What kind of rule is this? It's absurd ". I doubtingly asked him, "Are you kidding sir  or making me a fool? It's not even 1st of April ".

Finally the class had got over by then and I entered into my class room where I got to know the truth . Unfortunately it's a rule recently issued by the university."A gal student has to be accompanied by another gal everytime she is to discuss anything with the professor (male)".

This is indeed a ridiculous rule I have ever come across. Nobody needs it.  Nobody  is in support of it . Nobody will ever follow it.

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